
UMTC had been Jointly Cooperated with Myanmar Maritime University (MMU) for HRD Programme since 2011.


We set up our DMA approved Training Facilities at 2 locations of which existed at Warden Road (City Centre) & MMU (Thilawa).

We had trained until recently up to (3672 ) candidates from Pre Seaman / seaman Basic Training.

Our UMTC Training centers accordance is recognized to IMO standards.

We are currently opened the Ship Security Awareness Course for fresh seamen.

We recently set up and launched Workshop Skills Training for Engineers.
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Unique Marine Training Center
Wardan, Ywar Chaung Thar Street, Room-1102, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: (+959) 4965 0777, 4924 7979, Email:
Website: www.uniquevaluegroup.com